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Lost Treasures of Tibet

The NOVA documentary Lost Treasures of Tibet offers a rare and special glimpse into the incredibly rich and unique...

Lord of the Ants

Occasionally there is a giant in the arena of science, someone who transcends the narrow limits of a particular line...

Sugar Crash

Sugar Crash is a must-watch documentary that explores the potentially devastating health effects of consuming too much...

Never-Ending War

A documentary designed to describe the current situation in Afghanistan. Many ideas exposed are related to something...

Hostile Planet: Mountains

The documentary, Mountain Animals: The Fight for Survival, offers a unique glimpse into the lives of animals that call...

India Untouched

India Untouched – Stories of a People Apart is a powerful documentary that shines light on the plight of India's Dalit...

You Belong to Me!

#Femicide, or the killing of women due to their gender, is an alarming problem across Europe. In Spain alone, an...


There are more micro organisms or microbes in our human body than they are people on the planet. However we are...

Swallowed By A Sink Hole

On February 2013, tragedy struck a small town in Florida as the ground suddenly opened up and swallowed Jeff Bush, an...

The Two Escobars

Pablo Escobar and Andres Escobar were two of the most notorious figures to emerge from Colombia, though they shared no...

Allergy Planet

‘Allergy Planet’ delves deep into the mysterious reasons of why allergy to our environment is growing like an...

Secrets of China

China is one of the oldest and most culturally rich countries in the world, a place that still enforces some pretty...

The Newly Poor in Germany

Food banks in Germany are facing an unprecedented challenge. With the rise in cost of living, more and more people are...