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Biggest Things in Space

We can not compare anything on earth to the biggest things known in space. The Alfa Lymann bubble is a bubble like...

Parenting while blind

Mila's parents are blind, but Mila can see. And so, from a young age, they had to trust her with responsibilities that...

Norway and CO2 emissions

This new documentary presents an in-depth exploration of carbon capture and storage (CCS) and the challenges it faces...

Quantum Revolution

The Quantum Revolution, a documentary hosted by Michio Kaku, one of the inventors of Light Cone String Field Theory...

Diseases and Healing | Tribe

In his groundbreaking documentary, "Living with the Tribes," renowned filmmaker and anthropologist Parry Pirofsky set...

Ivory Coast: Toxic Africa

Ivory Coast is facing a major crisis due to the overuse of pesticides. As cocoa prices have fallen, farmers are...

Ice Age Meltdown

The world changed dramatically 18,000 years ago when a global freeze suddenly came to an end. Ice caps melted and...