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25 Million Pounds

  Nick Leeson was an ambitious yet strange man who rose to fame in the 1980s for his extraordinary ability to...

Black Sea Gas

Romania is a European country with a potentially vast natural gas resources that has yet to be fully realized. Located...

Buying the War

The Bush administration led the United States into a war seemingly without proper preparation and execution, which...

Box Girl

Started in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya, Box Girls Kenya is an organization that looks to improve girls living in the...

A Thin Line

"A Thin Line is a short documentary about two women from Ghana, Africa, who both almost died while giving birth, but...

The Great Sperm Race

Are you ready for a weird and hilarious reproduction documentary video? Well, here you have it. With more than 250...


At the tender age of 16, Anna Wexler courageously chose to break away from the Orthodox Jewish community she had grown...

Beyond and Back

Beyond And Back is an insightful and inspiring 1978 documentary produced by Sunn Classic Pictures that delves into the...

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