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The Referee

This documentary portrays the humane aspects of the perspectives on what it means to be a referee as a way of engaging...

Born Rich Documentary

Slightly bland and a little boring, this documentary is nonetheless an interesting look into the lives and attitudes...

Death by China

The acclaimed feature-length documentary Death by China, narrated by Martin Sheen, provides a powerful and...

Mars, Dead or Alive

The great PBS science series Nova scores another hit with Mars: Dead or Alive, capturing all the excitement...

LA 92

The Los Angeles riots of 1992 were a major turning point in American history. On April 29th, social justice activists...

Syria: A Decade of War

La guerre civile syrienne fait rage depuis plus de dix ans et ne semble pas près de s'arrêter. Le nombre de morts a...

Beyond Belief

Author: Jesus trained in India, teaches meditation and reincarnation, and died in India. This film offers a convincing...

Strain Hunters

Strain Hunters is a groundbreaking documentary series that takes viewers on a journey of discovery to some of the most...

The Myths of Pearl Harbour

On December 7, 1941, a day that will live in infamy, the Japanese Imperial Navy launched a devastating attack on Pearl...

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