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Seeds of Freedom

Seeds of Freedom is a powerful and compelling documentary that tells the story of how seeds, a staple of traditional...

Drug Policy

From director Ben Abel-Bey, Drug Policy explores the growing movement for drug policy reform in the United States. A...

Polish Border Bazaars

The small border town of Łęknica in Poland is an anomaly in the face of Europe's rampant inflation. The prices at...

Hells Angels: Outlaw Bikers

Hells Angels Motorcycle Club or simply HAMC is one of the biggest clubs worldwide and they prefer to ride the...

Occupation 101

Occupation 101 is a documentary that provides an in-depth look at the long and complex history of the...

Football Power Play

Le Qatar s'est fait un nom dans le football, investissant massivement dans ce sport en achetant le club français...

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