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Owning the Weather

There is nothing more terrifying than the time out of control. From the beginning we search for ways to manipulate...

Inbred Family-The Whitakers

Inbred is someone born from people who are closely related. Research says that this usually leads to at least...

The Legends of Santa

Santa Claus is one of the most beloved and recognizable figures in Christianity, with his iconic image having been...

The Nature of Cities

How can we make better cities? Greener cities? Better environment? The documentary “Nature of cities” follows a...

Trump’s America

As the United States struggles through the turbulent 2020 election year, filmmakers Claudia Buckenmaier and Marion...

The Real Eve

Mitochondrial DNA will be passed from mothers to children, both male along with female, with no changes and mutates at...

Zeitgeist: Moving Forward

A documentary film work is presented a case of a necessary transition from the current socio-economic paradigm that...

Fire in Paradise

When Paradise, California was hit by the Camp Fire in November 2018, it was a tragedy of immense proportions. At least...

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea

Charles Darwin's revolutionary theory of evolution by natural selection turned the world of science upside down, and...

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