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Being a foster mother

Susanne and her husband Moritz have been foster parents for fifteen years. After raising their own three children,...

The Chessboard Killer

The documentary The Case for Christ is a captivating and thought-provoking exploration of faith and the search for...

Modern Masters

"Modern Masters is a four- part TV series describing the lifetime and accomplishments of four goliaths of 20th century...

U.S Gangster Marines

The US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) recently released a report that has brought to light an alarming trend...

The Big Picture

There exists a conspiracy theory for every question regarding our world. These theories emerge from different quarters...

Supermarket Secrets

In recent years, supermarkets have revolutionized the way we eat. But this convenience comes at a cost that many of us...

Ross Kemp on Gangs: Jamaica

In the vibrant city of Kingston, Jamaica, lies a much darker side that is hidden from many. Ross Kemp travels to this...