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Ray Mears: Extreme Survival

If you like Survivorman (Les Stroud) you like extreme survival. It is a survival television series presented by Ray...

The Money Masters

The Money Masters is a riveting documentary that takes a deep dive into the power dynamics of our world today. It is a...

The Invisible War

The Invisible War is a 2012 documentary film written and directed by Kirby Dick and produced by Amy Ziering and Tanner...

Sniper: Inside The Crosshairs

The deadliest weapon on the battlefield is not a bullet or gun, but rather a sniper. Snipers are considered to be some...

Bitter Lake

Adam Curtis' documentary, Bitter Lake, takes a deeper look at the often oversimplified narrative of militant Islam as...

Ethiopia: The War With Tigray

For nearly two years, Ethiopia has been in the midst of a civil war that has left much of the country in disarray. The...

To the Bitter End

In France, there is a heartbreaking reality that 173 people were killed by abusive partners in 2019. Tragically, 84%...

To Stand Above The Clouds

Mount Everest is a daunting and majestic mountain, standing tall at an impressive height of 29,028 feet (8,848...