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State of Surveillance

In 2013, Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower, revealed a shocking government surveillance program that targeted...

The Mean World Syndrome

For decades, the issue of media violence has sparked heated debates among academics, politicians, and concerned...

Before the Flood

The documentary Before the Flood, produced by Academy Award winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio in collaboration with...

The Code

In 1991, a revolution began in the computer industry: Linux, created by Linus Torvalds. From its humble beginnings, it...

The Amazing World

This documentary is concerned with the everyday activities of the human population. It is filmed in an experimental...

Sleepy Hollow, Kazakhstan

For more than three years, an epidemic of sleep has been plaguing the small village of Kalachi. It was a mystery to...

Solo: Lost at Sea

On the 11th of January 2007, Andrew McAuley set off on an ambitious undertaking – to become the first person to kayak...

NOVA: Can We Live Forever?

As humans, we have long been captivated by the idea of living forever. While this may have seemed like an unachievable...

Spinning Terror

Spinning Terror is a revealing documentary by peter Osborne who alleges that the government’s reaction to the London...

Do we Really Need the Moon?

What if the moon we know never existed? What if it suddenly disappeared from our skies? What would happen to the...

Tesla: Master of Lightning

This documentary does a wonderful job of conveying the genius that was Nikola Tesla. Watch this documentary and then...

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