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The New Silk Road

China's New Silk Road is the largest infrastructure project of modern times, and one that could have a profound impact...

J. Cole: 4 Your Eyez Only

In his latest documentary, J. Cole shines a light on the ongoing struggles of impoverished black communities across...

The Oldest Cave Paintings

This is a documentary about the Chauvet Cave, located in southern region of France, where the oldest man-made...


Propaganda is an eye-opening documentary that pushes the boundaries of reality and fiction and shines a light on the...


Fluoridegate is an eye-opening new documentary film by Dr. David Kennedy, exposing the tragic truth of how the US...

Crazy Love

Crazy Love, the acclaimed documentary by filmmakers Dan Klores and Fisher Stevens, delves into the tumultuous and...

The War Game

The War Game, a powerful docu-drama directed by Peter Watkins in 1965, is an essential viewing. It portrays the...

Weirdest Planets

Astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, spotted the super dense...

Stupid in America

It is no secret that America's public education system is in dire need of improvement. With students facing issues...

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