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Google Me

Jim Killeen, a filmmaker ‘Googled’ his name in a moment of idle net surfing. But he did not stop there; he made the...

Future of the Earth

The biological and geological future of the Earth can be extrapolated based upon the estimated effects of several...

Young, German and Jewish

This documentary provides a glimpse into the lives of young German Jews who struggle to fit into society. Despite...

A Bad Trip to Edgewood

Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland stands 90 miles north of Washington D.C. and has been the center of the United States...

Ibogaine: Rite of Passage

Ibogaine is a remarkable substance with the potential to revolutionize addiction treatment. Derived from the root of...

Atari: Game Over

Atari: Game Over is a fascinating documentary about the rise and fall of the iconic video game company that took the...

Monsters, Madness and Mayhem

The supernatural has always been a source of fascination for many. One of the most iconic symbols of this mysterious...

Ötzi: The Iceman Murder

Ötzi the Iceman is an incredibly well-preserved 5,300-year-old mummy discovered in 1991 on a glacier of the Otztal...

Scotland in Crisis

Face aux turbulences économiques qui secouent le Royaume-Uni, de nombreux Écossais cherchent un moyen de s'en sortir...

The Order of the Elements

All of us are familiar with the periodic table of elements. The question today is do you think they were randomly...

Massacre at Virginia Tech

This information documentary story behind Cho Seung Hui, a South Korean student at Virginia Tech University, who has...

Buddha in Africa

In the heart of Africa, a young boy is faced with identity crisis. Enock Alu, a child born in Malawi, was left alone...

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