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Massacre at Virginia Tech

This information documentary story behind Cho Seung Hui, a South Korean student at Virginia Tech University, who has...

Roger & Me

Roger & Me is an award-winning documentary film by filmmaker Michael Moore. It tells the story of Flint, Michigan,...

The Dark Lords of Hattusha

‘The Dark Lords of Hattusha’ recounts the history of the Hittite Empire, which lost 2500 years ago. The deciphering of...

Life and Debt (Jamaica)

Life and Debt is a feature-length documentary which addresses the impact of the International Monetary Fund, the World...

Goonj: The Empty Call

The documentary featuring Mr. Naseeruddin Shah, entitled ‘Goonj’, explores the heated debates and issues surrounding...

The Gun That Aims Itself

One of the moral dilemmas in the movie Terminator was “if something can be abused for doing bad, should we outlaw it...


Eleven years in the making, FUEL is a captivating and powerful documentary from filmmaker Josh Tickell that examines...


“Shame” is part of the honor killing awareness-raising campaign in rural Sindh and southern Punjab. The directors take...

Scientology: The Ex-Files

Joe Reaiche, a former rugby star, found himself seduced by the promises of the Church of Scientology when he was just...


Sharkwater, an award-winning documentary filmed in high definition video, takes viewers on a fascinating exploration...

Four Horsemen

Four Horsemen is a bare-bones documentary about how we can restart the world’s economy. 23 international thinkers,...

Particle Fever

Particle Fever is a groundbreaking documentary that follows the fascinating journey of the scientists involved in the...

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