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It happens only in Pakistan

The documentary film "It Happens Only in Pakistan" artfully demonstrates the multifaceted nature of this complex...

The Unknown World

Legendary photographer Lennart Nilsson has carved out a niche for himself in the world of photography with his...

Tapping The Wire

The Wire is an award-winning HBO original crime drama series that has gained immense popularity since it premiered on...

Manhunt: Boston Bombers

In April 2013, tragedy struck the streets of Boston when two bombs exploded near the finish line of the famous Boston...

Age of Extremes

Age of Extremes follows an array of British Muslims from different socio-cultural backgrounds and viewpoints,...

Armenia: Russian Refuge

In recent years, many Russians have chosen to flee to Armenia as a form of refuge from the increasingly oppressive...

Banned from the Bible

When Jesus was a child, did he kill another child? Mary Magdalene was a prostitute – or an apostle? Cain commited...

Fall of the Republic

One of the reasons Hillary Clinton lost the presidential elections is the Democratic Party. President Obama was...

Poison In The Mouth

Poison in the Mouth’ is a startling documentary revealing lesser known facts about the dangers Mercury can pose. It...

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