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Once Upon a Time in Iraq

FRONTLINE is an award winning documentary series produced by PBS, which covers a wide range of important and pressing...

Archeology 2.0

Archeology 2.0 is a groundbreaking documentary that showcases the incredible advances in modern technology that are...

Death In Gaza

Death In Gaza is an Emmy-award winning 2004 documentary film about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, opening in the...

Plastic Tide: Choking on Coke

Plastic pollution is wreaking havoc on our oceans, leading to the destruction of numerous species of marine life. The...

I’d Kill For A Baby

Child or infant abduction is every parent’s nightmare. This documentary explores what would drive abductors to use...

Clever Monkeys

Few creatures are as fascinating and intriguing to humans as monkeys. Our closest relatives, monkeys show remarkable...

Extreme Journeys in Peru

David, the truck driver from Peru, is the focus of a compelling new documentary. The film follows David’s daily life...

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