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Sirius (2013) is an eye-opening documentary that follows the journey of Steven M. Greer, MD to uncover hidden secrets...

Along the Amazon in Peru

Deep in the heart of the Amazon, controversy brews as Peru's government debates the expansion and deepening of the...

Sex Sense: Love Chemicals

Love is a powerful emotion that helps us create lasting relationships with others. It comes in many forms and...

Selling Weed Legally

When it comes to the ongoing debate over medical marijuana, there is still much to be said and discussed. To that end,...

Life with autism

Take a journey into the fascinating world of autism with this compelling documentary that follows Markus, a young man...

The War You Don’t See

In War Story: The Media and the Military, an insightful documentary by British filmmaker John Pilger, viewers are...

The Real Sopranos

The rise and fall of the DeCavalcante crime family from New Jersey, made famous by the critically acclaimed HBO series...

Amen Break

This fascinating, brilliant 20-minute video narrates the history of the “Amen Break,” a six-second drum sample from...

Run 3

Run 3 is an exciting and immersive endless running game that puts you in control of a small grey alien as it navigates...

Syria: Lost Childhood I

  The war in Syria has taken a heavy toll on its civilians, particularly children. One such child is Hamoudé, a...

Raising Kids on Junk Food

Junk food is a term we use to describe food that is high in calories like sugar and fat, but low in dietary fiber and...

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