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Helvetica is an iconic typeface that has played a critical role in the design world for over sixty years. Directed by...

World’s Biggest Pets

Can you imagine keeping a snake in your closet? Or a rabbit in your toilet? Not all people are interested in...

Yemen – kids and the war

Millions of people in Yemen have been displaced and are facing starvation due to one of the world's most brutal wars...

The Murder of Fred Hampton

The Murder of Fred Hampton is a powerful documentary that offers an intimate look into the life and legacy of the...

Fibonacci Sequence in Nature

The Fibonacci sequence is one of the most famous formulas in mathematics. Each number in the sequence is the sum of...

Hitler’s British Girl

Unity Mitford's story is one of great tragedy and mystery. On September 3rd 1939, 25-year-old English aristocrat Unity...

The World’s Biggest Cave

Did you know that there is a cave in Vietnam which is a home to an entire forest, and one could fit an entire building...

Money and Life

Money and Life is an exciting and thought-provoking documentary that takes a look at the current economic crisis and...

The Guča Trumpet Festival

Step into the vibrant world of Balkan brass music and join the party at the famous Guča Trumpet Festival. This...

In the Valley of the Wolves

In 1995, a groundbreaking conservation effort kicked off when the first gray wolves were transported from Alberta,...

China: Power and Prosperity

As China continues to expand its global influence, there is no more intriguing look into the country than PBS...

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