Netanyahu At WarIn the two-hour PBS Frontline documentary “Netanyahu at War,” viewers get to explore the life of Israeli Prime...
National Security AlertIn 2006, the Citizen Investigation Team began a bold and groundbreaking investigation into the events of September 11,...
On the campaign trail in France – Fighting for MacronThe documentary follows the extraordinary rise of Emmanuel Macron and his movement “En Marche” in France’s...
The War RoomThe 1992 presidential election was a gripping one, and D.A. Pennebaker and Chris Hedgus' documentary The War Room...
Germany’s election campaign – The “Schulz Effect”Third Person is a documentary that explores the fierce competition for the German chancellor's seat ahead of the...
The Money LobbyThe 2012 US presidential and congressional elections saw a staggering six billion dollars spent, the most in history....
Fox and the Big LieThe 2020 U.S. presidential election witnessed an unprecedented level of tension, heightened by four years of President...
Turkish military officers flee ErdoganAs political tensions rise in Turkey, 'Third Person' takes an intimate look at the lives of NATO officers who were...
World stories: Brexit and Northern Ireland; war in Central African Republic |A documentary covering four stories from different parts of the world: Northern Ireland, Central African Republic,...
Catalan companies are leaving Catalonia and other world storiesCatalan companies are opting out of their home province because of ongoing political unrest. Meanwhile, "Famine as a...
The 8 Best Documentaries About Martin Van BurenDo you have an affinity for history, and a particular interest in Martin Van Buren? If so, then these documentaries...
Helmut Kohl from the province to the world stageHe was an international politician, but with roots firmly in his home region of Rheinland-Pfalz. Helmut Kohl's...
The 10 Best Documentaries About Martin Luther KingMartin Luther King Jr. is one of the most iconic civil rights leaders to ever live and his legacy still stands strong...
Change and the dream of justice – reinventing the world (4/6)Reinventing the World – 500 Years of the Reformation is a documentary series that explores the societal, political,...
Music against TrumpThe world is in turmoil, and the political landscape is becoming increasingly divisive. Amidst all this chaos, one...
The 16 Best Documentaries About Mahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi, also known as the "Father of the Nation" in India, was a prominent figure in the Indian independence...
Colombia: Marginalized Nation | Community DocFor decades, Colombia has been plagued by armed conflict and the murder of innumerable social leaders and politicians....
The 7 Best Documentaries About Lyndon B JohnsonIt is always a delight to gain an insight into a past era - one that was filled with unique personalities, powerful...