Batman Unmasked: The Psychology of the Dark KnightBatman Begins and The Dark Knight have been entertaining audiences for years, but they also provide a fascinating...
The 20 Best Documentaries About SpaceSpace is considered the many fascinating and appealing things to learn about and to strike to look at. It is easy to...
Architecture, art and design – 100 years of the Bauhaus (1/3)Step into the world of design and discover the birthplace of Modernism. The Bauhaus school was a groundbreaking...
New York fifteen years after 9/11For the last decade and a half, New York City has undergone a transformative metamorphosis. And yet, to many, the city...
How halal products affect the economyFor nearly two billion people around the world, halal isn't just a term that refers to food. It's an entire philosophy...
60 Second AdventuresThe authors of this series have crafted a captivating and thought-provoking set of small videos exploring some of the...
Episode 8 – Art Of Risking – Let Me Be FrankWhat is the art of risking? And when should you take a risk? Frank James Moore helps us understand the art of risking...
BBC Ancient Greece The Greatest Show on EarthWe talk about it all the time. The theatre is part of our social life, of our society. Through the years, the theatre...
God Loves UgandaChristians and Catholics will tell you God is everywhere around us. He loves us all, he cares for us all. But does he...
Philosophy and the Matrix – Return to the SourceThis is one of the 2 feature-length documentaries based on the Ultimate Matrix Collection. It goes over a number of...
UBUNTU – Dance PhilosohphyUbuntu is not usually a term related with dance philosophy and dance moves. In fact, Ubuntu is a term used in Africa...
Niccolò Machiavelli – BBC DocumentaryMachiavelli is widely considered as one of the most influential philosophers when it comes to politics. His grand...
The Story of God With Morgan Freeman Season 2 Episode 1 The Chosen OneEver since Morgan Freeman played God in Bruce Almighty (2003) and Evan Almighty (2007), you cannot dismiss his voice....
Wonders of the Universe: DestinyEnglish physicist Brian Cox serves as a professor of particle physics in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the...
What does the Quran really say about a Muslim woman’s hijab?The hijab has been a subject of controversy in the past few years. We’ve seen countries banning women from wearing...
Confucius: The Sage Who Shaped The East | ConfuciusChina is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. To this day, much of the country’s history, culture, religion,...
The Antichrist ExplainedThe most simple explanation of the Antichrist is that is “Someone who will lead people away from the Truth”. Since the...
Queen: The Story of Bohemian RhapsodyOne of the greatest songs ever written is Bohemian Rhapsody. And that is a fact. The single is now the third...