Brain Man: The Boy With The Incredible BrainThis extraordinary documentary follows the brainpower of Daniel T, the young Englishman who could be the world’s...
Great Minds: Katherine Johnson, Human ComputerIn the early days of spaceflight, if NASA needed to plot a rocket’s path or confirm a computer’s calculations, they...
Dark DaysFilmmaker Marc Singer brings a unique view of New York City’s homless in a very raw film. Dark Days was made by Singer...
Gora – The Man and the LegendSome people don’t let money stop them from achieving their dream. Gora Grand Saha is that kind of a person. He is an...
The Ugly Face of Disability Hate CrimeIt is normal to be scared from different things. But hat should not mean you should hate someone who looks different....
Inside the World of a Billionaire Speculator – Paul Tudor JonesPaul Tudor Jones II is an American billionaire hedge fund manager, conservationist and philanthropist. In 1980, he...
Living on One Dollar – A Life Changing DocumentaryCan you imagine living every day without clean water, little food and poor shelter? There are 1.1 billion people in...
King Hussein of Jordan: Survival of a dynastyThe life and struggles of King Hussein of Jordan, from the assassination of his grandfather to the rise of the PLO....
From the Hood to the HardwoodMany young people dream of playing in the NBA. For many Americans, playing in the National Basketball Association is...
Stalin’s Enslavement of Rural RussiaJoseph Stalin was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician. He ruled the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until...
John Mayer: Someday I’ll FlyWhen you think of solo artists, you rarely think of John Clayton Mayer. But he is definitely one of the most...
Elon Musk: How I Became The Real ‘Iron Man’Elon Musk is one of the most praised and appreciated individuals nowadays. The Tesla CEO build a technological empire...
Biography of Otto von BismarckCalled the Iron Chancellor, Bismarck is definitely one of the most influential people in Germany history. He dominated...
Xi Jinping: China’s president and his quest for world powerXi Jinping is a Chinese politician who has been serving as General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and...
George Michael – BBC DocumentaryGeorge Michael, one of the biggest pop stars of our time lost his life at age of 53. Michael was one of the first...
Martin Shkreli on Drug Price Hikes and Playing the World’s VillainAfter increasing the price for Daraprim from $13.50 per pill to whooping $750 per pill, or for 5000%, Martin Shkreli...
Luka Doncic – Something in the waterLuka Doncic has yet to turn 24 years of age, and he is already considered a Top 5 player in the NBA. The Slovenian...
Mo Farah – Race of His LifeMo Farah has won four gold Olympic medals, and four World Championships gold medals. He is arguably one of the best...