Isadora Duncan – The Beauty of Simple MovementsAnytime you read something about Isadora Duncan, the term “pioneer of modern dance” is mentioned. But Isadora was much...
Bethany Hamilton – This Is My StoryYou know Bethany Hamilton as the woman who was bitten by shark, lost an arm, and then returned to professional...
Michael Jordan, the Stories Proving he is not a HumanMichael Jordan is widely regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time. Few can come close to his legacy....
Elizabeth Holmes: The ‘Valley of Hype’ behind the rise and fall of TheranosElizabeth Holmes became the world’s youngest self-made female billionaire as CEO of her biotech startup, Theranos. The...
Louis XIV: The World’s Longest Reigning Monarch | 1715: The Sun King is DeadFrench King Louis XIV is the longest-reigning monarch, having served as monarch for more than 72 years. He took the...
Nina Simone – The LegendNine Simone will long be known as an iconic music singer, songwriter, and a civil rights activist. She is responsible...
The Life of the Marquise de Pompadour in 3 minutesMadame de Pompadour, or the Marquise de Pompadour will be remembered as the most famous mistress of Louis XV, and...
Frances Folsom Cleveland: The Woman that Popularized the term “First Lady”Almost 100 years before Princess Diana married Prince Charles, or Jackie Kennedy married John F. Kennedy, the marriage...
The Beatles – a musical appreciation and analysisThere have been many documentaries about The Beatles. After all, they are widely regarded as one of the most...
The Journey To The Top Of Lhakpa RiBlindsight is a documentary directed by Lucy Walker and produced by Sybil Robson Orr for Robson Entertainment. It...
Karl Bushby and the Goliath ExpeditionWho is Karl Bushby? Well, he is famously the man who decided to walk around the world. Born in March 1969 in Hull,...
Still KD: Through the Noise – Kevin DurantKevin Durant is one of the top 3 players in the NBA right now. This summer, he might completely change the landscape...
Thierry Henry – LegendArguably the greatest striker in the Premier League, Thierry Henry played eight years for Arsenal and becoming the...
The Girl Who’s Allergic To EverythingImagine being allergic to your hair growing. Or being allergic to exercise, yet you want to practice gymnastics. Such...
Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe – Martyr of of CharityMaximilian Kolbe was a Polish conventual Franciscan friar. He is famous for volunteering to die in place of a stranger...
Sabrina Gonzales Pasterski – The Millennial’s Einstein?Sabrina Gonzales Pasterski has had an amazing career so far. And she is only getting started. Born in June, 1993, she...
Notable People with Savant SyndromeSavant Syndrome is a rare condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrates certain...
Becoming: Bradley TheodoreBradley Theodore wanted to be an artist even as a kid. However, he did not know how to paint. As he grew older, he...