Judit Polgar – Real Life Beth HarmonThe Queen’s Gambit reached unprecedented popularity on TV in the past few months. The Netflix original series follows...
Mercedes Barcha – Wife and Muse of Gabriel Garcia MarquezMercedes Raquel Barcha Pardo was born in November 1932. Her love story with Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the most...
Who Was Jeannette Rankin? First Woman in the US Federal OfficeJeannette Pickering Ranking was an American politician and women’s rights advocate. She was the first woman to hold...
UK’s scariest debt collector"After a spell of five years in prison a man named Shaun Smith transfered many urban terrorism skills to become a debt...
Without Bound – Perspectives on Mobile LivingNowadays, one in three workers is a freelancer. The remove workforce has grown by 140% since 2005. And in the upcoming...
Desmond Doss – First Conscientious Objector to Earn Medal of HonorOn October 12, 1945, US Army medic Desmond Doss became the first conscientious objector to be awarded the Medal of...
Aboriginal Australians – Are they the First People?In a genetic study in 2011, researchers found evidence in DNA samples from strands of Aboriginal people’s hair that...
Why Mahatma Gandhi never won the Nobel Prize?Nobel Prizes cannot be revoked. With that in mind, Nobel judges must put a lot of thought into their selections. While...
Common misconceptions people have about HinduismAccording to latest statistics, there are nearly one billion people that believe in Hindu religion. The number of...
Queen Elizabeth I – Never to Marry Despite Many SuitorsQueen Elizabeth I is the only English queen never to marry. Many expected her to marry in order to secure her...
Cleopatra’s Weird Beauty Rituals that Sound Normal TodayCleopatra appeared in dozens of Hollywood movies. You can read about her in million books. There are biographies and...
Secret Billionaire: The Chuck Feeney StoryHave you heard of Charles Francis Feeney? He is an Irish-American businessman and philanthropist. He made his fortune...
Korea Slave Labor CampsThe founder of VICE heads in to the harsh terrains of Siberia to uncover and horrible truth – That North Korea are...
The Origin and Rise of MrBeastJimmy Donaldson, aka MrBeast, became obsessed with YouTube at a young age. From his early days making gaming videos to...
Who was Joan of Arc? The holy warriorJoan of Arc, nicknamed The Maid of Orleans or Maid of Lorraine, is considered a heroine of France for her role during...
Dogs & us – The secrets of an unbreakable friendshipSeveral thousand years ago, humans and dogs made an emotional pact. Today, that pact of friendship is still unbroken....
Robert Nesta MarleyRobert Nesta "Bob" Marley OM (6 February 1945 – 11 May 1981) was a Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter, musician, and...
The story of Alan Turing – Pioner in mathematics, computer science and homosexualityOne of the biggest ironies about the World War II is that one of the most important people that helped the Allied...