Surviving on Minimum Wage | Hard EarnedHard Earned is a gripping documentary series that delves deep into the lives of five diverse, hardworking American...
Sri Lanka: Food CrisisIn recent years, Sri Lanka has been facing a severe problem of high inflation, which is having an especially...
Russians in Germany clash over the war in UkraineIn the aftermath of Germany’s national commemoration of the anniversary of the surrender of Nazi Germany, tensions...
Organic food – hype or hope?A fascinating documentary delves deeply into one of the biggest concerns of modern-day consumers: organic food...
Welcome to Bangkok, ThailandBangkok: a city unlike any other. Join us on a journey of discovery as we uncover the best spots in Asia's most...
Thailand and the fallout from mass tourismThe documentary captures the impact of mass tourism on Thailand's coral reefs and the overall ecological and social...
World’s Most Dangerous Roads | MaliHave you ever imagined the intensity of heat when air tries to escape but is too weak? This is what happens in West...
Russia: The Risk of DissentIn April, an extensive campaign was launched by the Russian government to encourage citizens to report any...
Dr. Joe Dispenza – The Danger With Prolonged StressStress can be a silent killer, wreaking havoc on our bodies and minds. But, what is the effect of prolonged stress on...
Cuba : viva la vida | Deadliest JourneysCuba is a country of vibrant culture, stunning architecture and remarkable scenery. Visitors to this Caribbean nation...
Saint Helena: Breathtaking nature in one of the most remote places on earthCome to the remote, stunning island of St. Helena, a small strip of land at the edge of the world. Here you'll find...
Angela Merkel – Navigating a world in crisisThrough the prism of international politics comes an intimate portrait of the most powerful woman in the world. For 16...
El Salvador: The coolest dictator in the world?El Salvador has long been a country plagued by gang violence and terror. But when Nayib Bukelewa was elected president...
Behind Bars: The World’s Toughest Prisons – Tent City Jail, Phoenix, Arizona, USALiving Behind the Bars: The Horrendous Conditions in Tent City Are you aware of the unbelievable conditions in which...
Donald Trump: A PortraitDonald Trump is a complex figure who has led an extraordinary life. Born into wealth and privilege, he made his...
Tourism: when women are looking for loveWelcome to the Dominican Republic, a beautiful Caribbean nation known for its idyllic beaches and stunning landscapes....
Inside Saudi Arabia: How Far Can Any Reform Really Go?Saudi Arabia is a country that has long been associated with immense wealth, strict faith, and oppression. However, it...
What to do about rising rents?As housing shortages and rising rent costs continue to plague big European cities like Amsterdam, the demand for...