Meet the Working Class | Hard EarnedHard Earned is a compelling documentary series that puts aside economic debates to follow the candid and deeply...
Watani: My Homeland I Syrian Civil WarThe documentary Watani - My Homeland is an emotionally gripping story that follows a widow and her children as they...
Iran from above – In the mountainsThis documentary film is a breathtaking exploration of Iran's mountainous terrain and the rich tapestry of its...
Thai berry pickers in SwedenDiscover the incredible story of thousands of Thai migrant workers that travel halfway across the globe to work in...
Sex trafficking in NigeriaIn Nigeria, young women are enticed by seemingly golden opportunities in Europe. However, what awaits them is a dark,...
Nazi prejudice and propaganda – the racist crimes against the “children of shame”This gripping documentary, directed by Dominik Wessely, explores a little-known crime that occurred after World War I....
Deadliest Roads | India: The Himalayan Tightrope WalkersVenture into the secluded valleys of the Indian Himalayas, where families from the hottest regions of the country...
Congo Katanga – Deadliest JourneysA ride on the "Swallow" train in Congo is a journey of incredible danger and uncertainty, and it is the only reliable...
The Broken American Dream | Hard EarnedHard Earned is a documentary series that captures the life of the working class and their constant struggles to make...
Ukraine: Massacre in IzyumIn September of this year, Ukraine regained a considerable amount of territory that had been under Russian occupation...
Jordan: The mysterious Stone Age villageBa'ja, a small village in Jordan, is unlike any other archaeological site in the world. Dating back over 9,000 years,...
The Russians – An intimate journey through Russia (1/2)This powerful documentary takes viewers on a private trip through Russia, a country of vast distances, diverse ethnic...
Socotra – The treasure island between Yemen and SomaliaFar off the coast of Yemen lies Socotra, an island of mesmerizing beauty - a place where dragon's blood trees dot the...
The Warsaw GhettoDiscover the incredible story of a Polish businessman whose relentless pursuit of capturing the truth of the Warsaw...
Deadliest Roads | VietnamWelcome to the Quan Hoa Mountains in the Northwest of Vietnam. This region is home to some of the country's most...
Deadliest Roads | Congo KivuWhen Congo gained its independence, it boasted the best road network in central Africa. Today, however, only about 2%...
H&M and Zara: Can fast fashion be eco-friendly?With catastrophic environmental disasters around the world attributed to fast fashion companies, it is no surprise...
Mayotte, The Island In The LagoonThe island of Réunion, the 101st French department, is a true cultural melting pot of Europe, Africa and the Indian...