The Polar Bear Family & MeIn the incredible documentary “Polar Bear Family and Me,” legendary wildlife filmmaker Gordon Buchanan takes viewers...
Living with LionsOn the African savanna, there is one big cat that reigns supreme: the lion. Jurgen Jozefowicz, a renowned wildlife...
Living amongst GorillasThe remote Central African Republic is home to a majestic and gentle species of gorilla – the silverback Makumbas....
The Israel lobbyA groundbreaking documentary entitled “Tegenlicht” recently aired in the Netherlands, focusing on the controversial...
The Indigenous Island Tribe Of AnutaHidden deep in the South Pacific lies a small and incredibly remote island known as Anuta. The inhabitants of this...
The Future of FoodThe Future of Food is a feature-length documentary examining the consequences of the last decade's unchecked...
The Elephant: Inside Nature’s GiantsThe Elephant, the Crocodile, the Giraffe and even a 55 tonne Fin Whale; these are some of the largest animals on the...
LifeLife is an awe-inspiring documentary series that captures the incredible strategies and behaviors that living...
The Language of WhalesOrcas, also known as killer whales, are stunning and highly intelligent creatures that belong to the family of...
Land of DragonsThe Indonesian archipelago is an intriguing land shrouded in mystery and wonder. In the south of Asia lies one such...
Know your MushroomsKnow Your Mushrooms is an incredible documentary by director Ron Mann that takes us on a fascinating journey into the...
The Key to Life: Evolution of FungiFungi, a mysterious and fascinating life form, have been an important part of our planet for hundreds of millions of...
Swallowed By A Sink HoleOn February 2013, tragedy struck a small town in Florida as the ground suddenly opened up and swallowed Jeff Bush, an...
Steve Irwin: The Ten Deadliest Snakes In The WorldSteve Irwin, the daring wildlife expert, takes viewers on an unforgettable journey to some of Australia's most faraway...
Steve Irwin: Crocs Down UnderThe saltwater crocodile is one of the most fearsome animals on the planet, and yet it has a surprisingly gentle side...
SharkwaterSharkwater, an award-winning documentary filmed in high definition video, takes viewers on a fascinating exploration...
The Secret UnderworldIn 1986, an astounding discovery was made off the shores of the Black Sea that would alter our perception of life and...
Yellowstone National ParkYellowstone National Park is an iconic American destination that has captivated the imaginations of millions of...