Go Inside a Full Size T-Rex – T-Rex Autopsy DocumentaryMade possible by National Geographic, the T-Rex autopsy documentary allows you to witness the inside of an animal that...
Can dogs commit suicide? The Overtoun Bridge is a proof they canThe Overtoun Bridge in Scotland is one of the most mysterious places on the face of the Earth. Its mystery is linked...
Amazing Darwin’s Bark spider spins a massive webSpiders are some of the most amazing creatures in the world. While they may seem scary to most people, they are...
Nile River River of GodsWith length of 4,160 miles (almost 7,000 kilometers), the Nile is the longest river in the world. Some cite the Amazon...
Machu Picchu and the Inca TrailThe Inca Trail in Machu Picchu is probably one of the most famous trails in South America. There is nothing quite like...
Eagle Documentary National GeographicThe eagle is widely regarded “the Queen of the skies”. But what makes the Eagle the Queen of the Sky? Well, a National...
Strange Secrets In the Amazon RainForestThere is no place on Earth quite like it. The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical rainforest in the world,...
ANTS – Nature’s Secret Power (Full)"In this documentary you will discover ants through the vision of the world renowned expert Bert Hoelldobler. There...
The Living EdensThe planet Earth is still home to places so pure that have become precious memories of how everyone – the ancient...
The Hexagon – Nature’s Most Powerful CreationIf you have ever wandered around in nature, you may have noticed the many geometric shapes. For example, take some of...
This Ingenious Idea May Combat Rhino Poaching for Good!SCIENTISTS HAVE COME UP WITH THIS EXTREMELY CLEVER IDEA TO TACKLE RHINO POACHING. Image credit Brett Blignout The...
The Emotional World of Farm AnimalsThe emotional world of farm animals is an enjoyable film for viewers of all ages about the thinking and feeling side...
Before the Flood – National GeographicWhen Leonardo DiCaprio was just 20 years old, he was invited to speak on the matter of climate change, environmental,...
The Bearcat of BorneoBorneo is the third largest island in the world. It contains the oldest rain forest on Earth, and one third of all...
Animal Weapons – Chemical Warfare"This documentary explores the animals that have naturally developed a chemical defense or offence for survival....
The World Tree – Norse CosmologyTrees play important roles in mysticism and mythology throughout the world. Many ancient artifacts depict sacred trees...
The World’s Biggest CaveDid you know that there is a cave in Vietnam which is a home to an entire forest, and one could fit an entire building...
Visionaries: In Grave Danger of Falling FoodPermaculture is a bit of everything. For some it is the architecture, the other, organic farming. Some say it is a...