J. Cole: 4 Your Eyez Only

Jun 15, 2024 | Music, Videos

In his latest documentary, J. Cole shines a light on the ongoing struggles of impoverished black communities across the American South. The film, entitled “Eyez”, is an intimate look at the harsh realities that many in this region face every day; including factory closures, extreme weather conditions and racial discrimination.

Through interviews with people who are living in these areas, Cole uncovers a heartbreaking picture of poverty and systemic injustice. He speaks to individuals who have lost hope after multiple generations of their families have struggled to build a better life for themselves in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Cole’s interest in these forgotten areas is more than just a moral mission — it’s personal too. His own family hails from Fayetteville, North Carolina and he has had first-hand experience with firsthand poverty and its effects on entire communities.

“Eyez” is an essential watch for anyone wanting to gain a greater understanding of what life can be like for those living in underprivileged communities across America’s south. It is also an important look into the growing urgency of confronting racism head-on and tackling systemic disadvantages faced by minority groups today. Through his personal journey, J. Cole provides viewers with an emotive but ultimately uplifting experience that should not be missed by anyone interested in social justice or documentary filmmaking as a whole.

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David B