Patricia Foulkrod’s groundbreaking documentary feature, hailed as “powerful” and “quietly unflinching”, offers an unparalleled look into the lives of ordinary Americans who answered the call for military service in Iraq. Featuring exclusive footage that will stir audiences, this deeply moving film follows the recruitment and training process, combat experiences and difficult homecoming of these brave men and women. It also charts their struggle to find balance between their identity as soldiers and civilians once again.
The film provides a powerful insight into the cruel realities of war with heartbreaking honesty. The conflict in Iraq serves as a painful prelude to the even more challenging challenges of reconciliation with family and community on returning from duty. This is an intimate portrait of those affected by military service – from patriotic young people seeking purpose to those struggling with trauma in silence.
Watch this documenatry if you want to gain insight into what it means for ordinary citizens to serve in wartime, and learn how others are managing through such immense hardship. By exploring issues that are rarely depicted on screen, this film is sure to leave viewers both troubled and inspired. Don’t miss out: experience the compelling story of patriotism, courage and resilience told through Patricia Foulkrod’s powerful documentary feature today!