War Crimes In VietnamThe Vietnam Veterans Against the War, or VVAW, launched a media campaign from January 31st, 1971 to February 2nd, 1971...
The Breaking Of The CodeThis documentary is revolving around the forgotten heroes of World War II. In 1943 two men, a 24-year-old math student...
How it Works: The Atomic BombMore than 70 years ago, the United States of America dropped the first atomic bomb. On August 6, 1945, USA dropped a...
Afghanistan: the Great GameAfghanistan is a landlocked country in Asia. The country borders with Pakistan to east and south, Iran to the west,...
Life After Qaddafi — Libya: A Broken StateIt has been six years since Muammar Qaddafi was murdered and Libya was freed of his “dictatorship regime”. This...
Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks?This year, we will mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, one of the worst terrorist attack in human history....
Battle of Khalkhin Gol 1939 – Soviet-Japanese WarThe Battles of Khalkhin Gol were the decisive engagements of the undeclared Soviet–Japanese border conflicts fought...
War of the Bucket – How Italians Once Fought over a Stolen BucketMost wars in history are fought over land, civil rights, or anything in between these lines. But every now and then,...
The Six Day War – Did the Soviet Union Want to Attack Israel?In almost any history book, the Six Day War is described as a war between Israel on one side, and the joined forces of...
A Syrian Story About The FutureThe video opens with the sound of child talking how are they going to Germany. “We will be going through these little...
World War II Propaganda In The USThis documentary is a part of a film series with the purpose of encouraging and convincing American soldiers to...
Greatest Mysteries of WWII: Inside the Nazi Death CampsNowadays, the Holocaust is a controversial theme. Some people believe it happened, some still deny it, despite the...
The Nazis StrikeThis documentary is a part of a film series with the purpose of encouraging and convincing American soldiers to...
Edge of Space: X-15 – World’s Fastest Rocket PlaneThe North American X-15 was a hypersonic rocket-powered aircraft that the United States Air Force and NASA used for a...
State Of Shell ShockThis is a 1946 American documentary directed by John Huston, and it represents the last one in a three film series...
Secrets of the Samurai SwordSamurai warriors had the most fearsome and lethal weapon of all time, the razor sharp katana. Made from a specialized...
Dirty Secrets of Vietnam: The Battle of Khe SahnIn what is widely considered one of the most controversial battles of all time, the Battle of Khe Sahn took place in a...
The Black Budget – A Conspiracy Theory turned out to be trueThere have conspiracy theories about what is thought to be a budget financing secret military operations since 2007,...