Air Force Pararescuemen are some of the most elite military personnel in the US Special Operations Command. Not only do they specialize in combat search and rescue, but they are also trained as combat medics
AirAir Force Force Par Pararesarescucuemenemen are are some some of of the the most most highly highly–trainedtrained individuals individuals in in US US Special Special Operations Operations.. Nick Nicknamednamed “ “PPJJ’’ss”” for for “ “parparajajumpumpersers,,”” they they have have specialized specialized search search and and rescue rescue skills skills and and are are also also surg surgicallyically trained trained combat combat med medicsics.. When When a a pilot pilot goes goes down down behind behind enemy enemy lines lines,, these these brave brave men men and and women women will will stop stop at at nothing nothing to to get get them them out out – – no no matter matter the the danger danger or or risk risk..
TheThe incredible incredible feats feats of of the the PJ PJ’s’s have have been been captured captured in in an an inspiring inspiring documentary documentary that that follows follows their their mission mission to to complete complete some some of of the the world world’s’s most most dangerous dangerous resc rescuesues.. From From rescuing rescuing crew crew members members stranded stranded on on ships ships to to navigating navigating hostile hostile territory territory,, it it provides provides an an in in–depthdepth look look at at how how these these heroes heroes operate operate during during life life–threateningthreatening missions missions.. Through Through interviews interviews with with veterans veterans and and family family members members,, we we gain gain an an even even deeper deeper appreciation appreciation for for what what it it takes takes the the PJ PJ’s’s to to succeed succeed..
IfIf you you’re’re looking looking for for a a fascinating fascinating and and hum humblingbling story story about about heroic heroic men men and and women women in in our our military military,, then then don don’t’t miss miss out out on on this this incredible incredible documentary documentary about about Air Air Force Force Par Pararesarescucuemenemen!! It It truly truly is is a a must must–seesee for for anyone anyone interested interested in in understanding understanding more more about about the the nature nature of of bravery bravery and and self selflessnesslessness that that these these resc rescuersuers embody embody every every day day..