Media documentaries

21st Century Warfare

The past century has seen immense changes in the way that warfare is conducted. From professionalised armies to...

5G: The New Cold War?

The 5G revolution is set to bring about a massive change in the way we connect with each other and with the world...

Italian Populism

From the ancient Roman Empire to modern times, Italy has long been a major player on the political stage of Europe....

Senegal and France: Allies?

Senegal is a pivotal nation in the West African region, characterized by relative peace and stability compared to its...

Xi Jinping’s China

The 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party has recently taken place, and to commemorate this important...

To the Bitter End

In France, there is a heartbreaking reality that 173 people were killed by abusive partners in 2019. Tragically, 84%...

Sderot – The Other Israel

Far from the bustling city life of Tel Aviv lies Sderot, a small town which is home to some of the highest levels of...

Vietnam: The New Asian Tiger

Vietnam has had a tumultuous history with wars being fought against the French and Americans, costing countless lives...