War on HealthThe question you need to ask yourself is whether you should allow the government decide which foods you need to eat,...
Museum of Jurassic Technology – Los Angeles’s Strangest MuseumIn a New York Times article, the Museum of Jurassic technology was described as “museum about museums”, which might be...
Thomas Hellum: The world’s most boring televisionImaging having to watch a television show that lasts for 7 hours, and all you see is a train journey. Or a 18 hours...
What Makes a Good Documentary Film?What Will Move a Documentary Film to the Ranks of Greatness What makes a good documentary film? The essential element...
Through the lens of Steve Schapiro – A look back at some iconic celebrity momentsSteve Schapiro will turn 82 years old this November. For more than 50 years, he has been Hollywood’s most famous...
30 Years later, this Creepy TV Add is still a MysteryWhen you look back at the day, it was like any other Sunday night at Chicago’s WGN-TV. But then, the unthinkable and...
We Are Legion – The Story of the Hacktivists"Hackers take on the big boys… Anonymous nameless faces have a major impact on how the internet is used and wish to...
Halloween – A Cut Above the Rest"This documentary is a look into the phenomena of budget production horror movies and in particular those centred...
Huaxi – Secrets of the Richest Village in ChinaKnown as the “number one village under the sky”, Huaxi is thought as the village with the richest people. The village...
Finally Free, Terrell JohnsonIn 1994, Terrell Johnson was found guilty for shooting Verna Robinson. He was the only one of the three men initially...
Megadeth-The Story Behind The MusicWith more than 50 million records sold worldwide, and 15 studio albums, Megadeth are one of the few bands left from...
Are Books Becoming Obsolete?ARE BOOKS A THING OF THE PAST? WHO HAS TIME FOR BOOKS? In the modern day society, our life tempo has picked up pace...
Loving Belize – Corozal, Consejo, SartenejaEpisode One of the first season of Loving Belize, a short documentary series that showcases the diverse people that...
History of Film MakingIn 1907 there were only about 4000 nickelodeon cinemas that were present in the US. Most of these films would include...
Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone?We live in a digital era, where we communicate using our phones, Facebook, instant messaging tools, and much more. We...
10 Hidden characters in Disney Movies you didn’t noticeSince 1937, Disney Studios have produced 54 full length feature movies. Through the animated movies, Walt Disney has...
Silent Epidemic: The Untold Story of VaccinesOne of the most controversial topics in the past several years is vaccines. As in, should we ban vaccines or should we...
Marathon Day – Boston 15.4.13, There are two sides to every storyApril 15, 2013 is a day well remembered in Boston. It was one of the worst terrorist attacks, and it happened during...