9 Controversial Issues No One Dares to Write AboutThe world is grappling with a lot of controversial issues & challenges that must be discussed in 2025. Humanity is...
StarsuckersThe new documentary, Starsuckers, examines the perils of our celebrity-obsessed society. You'll discover why we are so...
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the RoomEnron, once a juggernaut among corporate giants, was the subject of Alex Gibney’s 2006 documentary which examined how...
Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on JournalismOutfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism is an eye-opening documentary that delves into the depths of the cable...
Killing Us Softly: Advertising’s Image of WomenKilling Us Softly is a 1979 documentary film, which has been revised several times to keep up with the changing...
After Truth: Disinformation and the Cost of Fake NewsThe spread of disinformation, false stories, and conspiracy theories is becoming an increasingly dangerous problem in...
The Mean World SyndromeFor decades, the issue of media violence has sparked heated debates among academics, politicians, and concerned...
Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the MediaManufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media is a Canadian documentary that provides a comprehensive, in-depth...
Fact or Fiction: The Thin Line Between Documentaries and DocudramasDo you prefer to watch a documentary or a docudrama? Your answer will be based on how much fact or fiction you are...
Tell-Tale Signs That You Are an Awesome WriterIf you are someone who started working on their writing passion just recently, you might be having the recurring...
Tips for Creating the Best DocumentariesGoing back decades to the earlier days of filmmaking, the documentary genre has always offered creators a wide range...
Top 7 Latest Documentaries on NetflixDocumentaries provide a unique lens through which we view the world. They possess the power to evoke emotions through...
Exploring iconic movie charactersMany of the most popular movies of all time contain iconic characters that played a prominent role in making the...
John Pilger: Real JournalismJohn Richard Pilger is an acclaimed Australian journalist, broadcaster and documentary filmmaker who has made a...
The 6 Best Documentaries About Jenna OrtegaWelcome to the world of documentaries about Jenna Ortega! If you love getting up close and personal with your favorite...
The Best Stanley Kubrick MoviesWelcome to the world of film and cinematography! Movies have long been a source of entertainment, inspiration, and...
How Documentaries Are Connecting with Viewers in New WaysDocumentaries have become a forceful storytelling and educational tool in times when technology and viewer preferences...
Scarface: True Hollywood StoryThe classic 1983 hit movie, “Scarface”, has been seen by millions and remains an iconic piece of cinema today....