The Pendle Witch Child

Jul 12, 2024 | History, Videos

It’s 1612 and a woman stands trial in a courtroom. She’s accused of killing three men through witchcraft, and is presented with a confession which she denies. In this moment of desperation, a young girl is brought to testify against her. Tears streaming down her face, the woman cries out desperately, but she is soon removed back to the dungeon.

This story forms part of an incredible documentary which examines the experiences of women accused of witchcraft during the early modern period. Through detailed accounts, it allows us to gain insight into what everyday life was like for those unjustly persecuted in England during this time. Whilst we can never truly understand what these women went through, by watching this documentary we can attempt to comprehend their plight and pay our respects to their struggles.

In addition, this documentary provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our own society and how far we have come in terms of respecting human rights and justice. By looking at history through the lens of this remarkable documentary, we are able to understand how lucky we are today not to be living in such oppressive times.

So if you’re interested in learning more about the history of witches in England or just want a thought-provoking watch about human rights, then be sure to check out this riveting documentary about witchcraft during the early modern period!

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David B