Power’s War

Jul 28, 2024 | History, Videos

At the beginning of the 20th century, an incredible shootout occurred in Arizona that has since become infamous in local folklore. In February 1918, Jeff Power and his three sons, Charles, John and Tom, refused to comply with their US military draft. As a result, law enforcement descended on their isolated cabin in Rattlesnake Canyon to apprehend them – but what ensued next was a bitter battle to the death.

The gunfight lasted several agonising minutes as bullets flew through the air and reverberated off the canyon walls. Miraculously, all three Power brothers survived despite sustaining serious injuries – however three officers and Jeffrey himself were not so lucky. This harrowing event became known as “Power’s Tale” and its powerful legacy has endured for generations.

Now this story is being retold in a new documentary which brings together modern historians, eyewitness accounts from surviving family members and archival footage to present an unrivalled insight into this gripping event. From uncovering hidden layers of myth and exaggeration to exploring personal reflections on its long-lasting impact, “Power’s Tale” promises to be a must-watch for anyone interested in true crime or American history. With an all-star cast and production team, you won’t want to miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn more about one of America’s most dramatic stories.

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David B