The Breaking Of The CodeThis documentary is revolving around the forgotten heroes of World War II. In 1943 two men, a 24-year-old math student...
What is in The Vatican Secret Archives?There are fifty-three miles of shelving in the Vatican Secret Archives. They house thirty-five thousand volumes of...
History’s Mysteries – The True Story Of Marco PoloMarco Polo was an Italian merchant, explorer, and writer. He traveled through Asia along the Silk Road between 1271...
Egyptian Hittite peace treaty – One of the oldest treaties in the worldMore than three thousand years ago, Ramses II, the Egyptian pharaoh, and the Emperor Hattusilis III concluded one of...
War of the Bucket – How Italians Once Fought over a Stolen BucketMost wars in history are fought over land, civil rights, or anything in between these lines. But every now and then,...
TimeLine – A Brief Introduction To The History Of Timekeeping DevicesA short, animated documentary on how time has been measured in the past, and how we measure it now. The film walks you...
Archaeologists Discover Easter Island Statues Have Bodies Covered in TattoosA RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG HAS LEFT EXPERTS STUNNED The Moai are the prominent statues of Easter Island off the coast...
7 fascinating facts about US Independence Day, Fourth of JulyThe date was fourth of July, 1767. The US Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring that the 13...
The Hunt for Hitler’s Scientists‘The Hunt for Hitler’s Scientists’ show how The British, American, and Russian governments sent covert teams of...
Month of Women – Valentina TereshkovaMarch is the month in which we celebrate International Women’s Day. The date is March 8. But in March, we also...
England: NormansEarly-mid age in England starts with Norman occupation of England in 1066 and it lasts until the end of the Angevin...
Seven People who should have won Nobel Peace Prize, but didn’tWe finally have a winner of the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee has decided that the award should go to Juan...
The VikingsThe term Vikings originates from Old Norse ‘víkingr’ and it refers to Germanic Norse seafarers, speaking the Old Norse...
Greatest Mysteries of WWII: Inside the Nazi Death CampsNowadays, the Holocaust is a controversial theme. Some people believe it happened, some still deny it, despite the...
The Nazis StrikeThis documentary is a part of a film series with the purpose of encouraging and convincing American soldiers to...
How Christianity Divided the Roman EmpireThis documentary vividly brings to life the rise and fall of the Roman Empire through the lens of one of the most...
Iraq for Sale: The War ProfiteersThis liberal 2006 documentary explores the corruption of major contractors in the Iraq war, such as Blackwater and...
Hypatia And The Great Fall Of AlexandriaOnce the biggest and most influential city on the planet, founded by Alexander the Great and home to Cleopatra,...