Death On The RockIn 1987, the British current affairs programme This Week aired an explosive documentary exploring the shooting of...
The RomanovsThe Romanovs is a riveting documentary that chronicles the captivating story of the Russian dynasty, spanning over...
The Roman Empire in the First CenturyThe Roman Empire of the first century was a vast and powerful entity that had far-reaching influence around the world....
The 10 Best Documentaries About JamestownJamestown is a historic settlement located in Virginia, founded in 1607. It was the first permanent English colony in...
The Two EscobarsPablo Escobar and Andres Escobar were two of the most notorious figures to emerge from Colombia, though they shared no...
Days That Shook The World: HiroshimaThe atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 wasone of the most tragic events in history. On August 6,...
The Story of IndiaThe Story of India is an incredible documentary that follows the rich and varied history of one of the world's oldest...
Leonardo da Vinci’s mysterious masterpieceDiscover the secrets behind one of the most enigmatic paintings of all time - Leonardo da Vinci's 'Virgin of the...
Exploring Ancient Egyptian Wonders: Pyramids, Temples and Divine MonumentsThe wonders of Ancient Egypt are the stuff of legend, and a new documentary seeks to bring these amazing monuments to...
The Story Of IrelandIreland's history is a fascinating journey full of culture, social movements, and economic development. Now, Fergal...
A Thousand Years of European CastlesThe majesty and mystery of fortified castles have long captivated the minds of history buffs around the world. For...
Inside Belarus: Putin’s Puppet Regime | DocumentaryInside Belarus, a documentary produced by the BBC, provides a powerful look into the current crisis facing the...
The 9 Best Documentaries About Human EvolutionAre you curious about human evolution? Have you ever wanted to understand our species’ journey from primates to modern...
The Curse Of The Methuselah TreeThe Curse Of The Methuselah Tree is a stunning documentary that explores the life of the world’s oldest living...
The 13 Best Documentaries About Hong KongHong Kong's complicated history and bustling culture make it a fascinating place, one that has captivated the world...
The 12 Best Documentaries About The HolocaustThe Holocaust was one of the most tragic events in human history, and yet its lessons remain relevant even today....
Battle of Midway & Beyond | April – June 1942 | World War II Colorized | SubtitledThe attack on Pearl Harbor was a devastating blow to the United States Navy, but despite this, the US Navy rose to the...
By train from St. Moritz to the Matterhorn – The Glacier ExpressExperience the stunning beauty of the Swiss Alps through the eyes of the passengers aboard the Glacier Express. For...