The 12 Best Documentaries About Plant Based Diet

Sep 14, 2023 | Best Of, Health

When it comes to understanding the role of a plant-based diet in our lives, nothing is more informative and engaging than watching documentaries. With nothing but real people telling their stories, these films offer an in-depth look into the benefits of a plant-based diet. From personal accounts to scientific evidence, you’ll learn about how eating plants can significantly improve your health and the environment. Here, we’ve rounded up 12 of the best documentaries about plant-based diets that everyone should watch. Whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian, or just looking to make healthier choices, these films will leave you inspired and informed. Ready to dive in? Let’s take a look at the 12 Best Documentaries About Plant Based Diet!


1. Is a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet an Answer to Chronic Disease?

Is a whole food plant-based diet the solution to modern health issues? With more and more research on this topic, this new 2017 documentary is sure to shed some light. Featuring some of the most influential doctors discussing the benefits of following a vegan lifestyle, it’s worth watching for anyone looking to make informed decisions about their health.


2. PlantPure Nation

In PlantPure Nation, three passionate individuals come together on a quest to bring one of the most revolutionary health breakthroughs in modern history to light – whole food plant-based nutrition. Led by Nelson Campbell, the charismatic and determined son of a doctor, he is joined by Debra Eschmeyer, a former White House policy advisor with an unwavering commitment to healthy eating, and Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a renowned scientist whose work has been credited as the foundation of the plant-based movement. Together they face an uphill battle to get their message out and combat corporate interests that are invested in keeping the status quo. PlantPure Nation is an inspiring story of hope, courage, and determination which shines a light on why we should all eat more plants. The film offers a powerful message of the power of food to heal us and how we can use that knowledge to make our lives better and healthier. It is a must-see for anyone wanting to learn more about how what we eat impacts our health, and why plant-based nutrition is the future of good health.


3. Corrupt Food Industry – Lobbying Against Health

We find ourselves asking a lot of questions about the food industry today. Why is ham so pink? Is it still safe for our children to consume? Product labels are often confusing and misleading, even if they don’t appear to be at first glance. And yet, large corporations have been able to maintain control over policy decisions that directly impact public health.


4. How To Start A Plant Based Diet

Switching to a plant-based diet is not only beneficial for your health, but it can also have far reaching impacts on the environment. Dr. Laurie Marbas has made it her mission to help people understand how transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can benefit them and the planet. By swapping out animal products for plant-based alternatives, you can reduce your carbon footprint and improve your overall wellbeing. Eating a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of developing chronic illnesses, while also increasing energy levels and helping people feel better overall.


5. Superfoods – is healthy eating just hype?

The healthy eating revolution is sweeping through Germany, resulting in a surge of superfood restaurants and bistros across the country. One such establishment is Bochum’s very own Superfood Bistro, opened by Florian Klar a year ago. Offering up an array of dishes featuring both local produce and exotic superfoods, it stands as a testament to the startling impact that this movement is having.


6. Vegan diets don’t work. Here’s why

Veganism has been touted as the healthiest diet on the planet, but could it be that veganism isn’t really as healthy as we think? Research suggests that vegan diets don’t necessarily provide all of the essential nutrients people need for optimal health. From Vitamin B12 to omega-3 fatty acids, many key nutrients are routinely missing from a vegan diet.


7. What I Eat in a Day – High Protein Vegan Easy Dinner Recipes

Eating a vegan diet doesn’t mean that you can’t get enough protein. It’s actually surprisingly easy to get all the essential nutrients your body needs – and these high-protein vegan dinner recipes are perfect for helping you do just that! Whether you’re a vegan or an omnivore, everyone will love these delicious meals. So why not give them a try and enjoy the deliciousness while also getting all your healthy nutrients! So don’t worry about not getting enough protein, just try some of these vegan dinner recipes and you will be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy!


8. Plant-Based Eating: First 21 Days

Are you ready to make the switch to a plant-based diet this January? Then join Dr. Neal Barnard and “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll, as they discuss what to expect during your first month of going vegan. From tips on transitioning into your new lifestyle, to insight on how you can make the best of it, they will both be there provide guidance and support. They’ll offer advice on what to expect, how to keep your motivation up, and the secrets of maintaining a healthy plant-based diet for long-term success. Plus, they will share their own personal stories and experiences with veganism that will help guide you through this exciting new journey. So don’t miss out – tune in now for an inspiring and informative look at how to make the switch!


9. Whole Foods Plant-based Diet Saved Her Life

Kate McGoey-Smith had been given an ultimatum; a few years to live, at most. Her life was limited due to a rare heart condition, she was dependent on oxygen tanks, and diabetes had robbed her of her sight. But Kate wouldn’t be defined by these circumstances. She refused to accept her fate—and instead decided to take charge of her life and live it to its fullest. Kate began to embrace every day with a new zest for life, seeking out ways to make the most of her time on Earth. She visited places she’d never been before and tried foods she’d only dreamed about. Kate forged relationships that extended past her medical condition—no matter how much time she had left, she wanted to leave an indelible mark on the world.


10. New Research On Plant-Based Diets and Mortality

Plant-based diets have been gaining in popularity over the years, and this month’s study delves into why. It found that eating a plant-based diet is correlated with lower rates of cardiovascular disease and mortality, as well as overall mortality. This suggests that beyond just being healthier than the average diet, there may be something special about plant-based foods. But what is it about these diets that make them associated with such positive health outcomes? It could be the vitamins and minerals found in plant-based foods, or even an anti-inflammatory effect which helps to protect against heart disease. There are likely a number of different factors at play, but whatever it is, the evidence suggests plant-based diets can help people live longer and healthier lives.


11. The truth about Food, Diet and Wellness

Join acclaimed filmmaker Michal Siewierski on his groundbreaking 3-year mission to reveal the truth behind our diets. Through exclusive interviews with 28 prominent experts, experience a captivating journey that will make you rethink your food choices and its impacts. From Dr. T Colin Campbell to Rich Roll, Dr.John McDougall to Doctor Toni bark, this documentary explores how our decisions affect our health, the environment and other living species. Uncover misconceptions about food and diet while gaining a new perspective on these issues. This is an eye-opening experience that will leave you questioning what’s on your plate. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and expand your knowledge! Join Michal Siewierski on his inspiring quest and see the world through a whole new lens.


12. How Corporations Are Ruining Your Health

Alice Waters was a voice of dissent in the late 1960s and early 1970s, leading the movement to challenge corporate control of the food system. Her vision and passion birthed an alternative to America’s current food chain, with fresh, healthy, sustainably-produced options for consumers. This local-sustainable-organic food movement has brought taste and variety back to our tables, making it easier to make nutritious choices when shopping in the supermarket. Today, Alice Waters’ vision is shared by many passionate people around the world who are dedicated to making positive change through food. From urban gardeners and local farmers working together to ensure everyone has access to fresh produce, dedicated restauranteurs sourcing sustainable ingredients, and policy makers working to create a healthier food system for all, the impact of this movement is far-reaching. It’s up to us to support these efforts in order to ensure that the integrity and diversity of our food system remains intact. With concerted effort, we can make sure Alice Waters’ vision lives on for generations to come.

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David B