The Ice ManDutch Daredevil Wim Hof is an extraordinary figure who has pushed the limits of human endurance in his quest to prove...
The Forgotten PlagueIn the early 19th century, tuberculosis (TB) was a devastating and widespread disease throughout America. With no...
Life After FoodThe documentary, titled “Soylent: The Future Food” focuses on the story of the man behind Soylent - Rob Rhinehart and...
The Best Movies About Mental IllnessHave you ever been captivated by a movie that accurately portrayed the complexities of mental illness? Often, these...
The Best Movies About Multiple PersonalitiesLights, camera, action! From the silver screen to our living rooms, movies have a way of captivating us and taking us...
The Best Movies About SchizophreniaSchizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide, yet it remains a misunderstood and...
The Boy Who Sees Without EyesBen Underwood is an extraordinary individual with a miraculous story. At the tender age of three, Ben lost both of his...
The Black DeathThe Black Death, one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, had a massive impact on Europe in the 14th...
King Corn: You Are What You EatWhen recent college graduates Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis heard the news that their generation was at risk of having a...
Syble Hopp: A DocumentaryIn the small town of DePere, Wisconsin, an incredible story of one person's determination and passion has led to the...
SWOLEThe world of bodybuilding and the culture surrounding it is explored in-depth in the new three-part VICE documentary,...
Sweet Misery: A Poisoned WorldAre you aware of the potential dangers of aspartame toxicity? If not, then you must watch this documentary. This...
Surviving a Car CrashHorizon takes an in-depth look at the remarkable advancements being made to reduce and prevent fatal car crashes....
Super Size Me HealthSuper Size Me is a documentary film that explores the fast food industry's corporate influence on our health and...
Superhuman: World’s Tallest ChildrenImagine being a child but having the body size of an adult. This is the plight of 13 year-old Brendan Van Nes, who at...
Sugar CrashRewriting the above text into an article, it is clear that something has gone terribly wrong with the Irish diet. The...
The Best Movies About PandemicsThe current global situation has led many people to turn their attention towards movies and TV shows centered around...
The Future of Nursing: Predictions for the Profession in the Next DecadeAs we navigate through an era of unprecedented change in healthcare, the nursing profession stands on the brink of...