The English Surgeon‘The English Surgeon’ is an award winning documentary film made by BBC based on the work of Henry Thomas Marsh, born...
Surviving Ebola – BBC Documentary 2015Ebola is considered the worst public health emergency of modern times. In 2014, an Ebola outbreak took the lives of...
Extraordinary Humans: MusclesFor most of us, muscles are under our control. But how do our muscles work? And are there conditions that cause our...
How Much Coffee May I Consume ?The legend says that the ancestors of the Oromo people from Northeast Africa first discovered a highly potent and...
Birth Control Pills are making children Gay, Lesbian and BisexualBirth control pills are one of the most controversy subjects of the past few years. A pile of articles has been...
Pregnancy – How a Wonder is Born!What is pregnancy? It is the time during which one or more offspring develops, or gestates inside a woman’s womb. It...
Frozen Faith: Cryonics and The Quest to Cheat DeathCryotherapy started as a scientific method for prolonging life. People, and scientists, are always looking for a way...