Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Jul 17, 2024 | Health, Videos

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is an incredibly moving documentary that follows the story of Joe Cross, an overweight man looking for a change in his life. For sixty days, we follow Joe’s journey as he attempts to overcome obesity and autoimmune disease. Along the way, he learns about the power of healthy eating and juicing to aid in his transformation.

Joe has been struggling with his health for some time, leading him to seek out medical advice from various doctors and health clinics. Unfortunately, they cannot offer him much more than long-term solutions such as steroid injections or restrictive diets. Feeling dejected and alone on his journey, Joe takes it upon himself to make significant changes that will improve his physical health.

Using juicing as a means to detoxify his body while retraining himself on healthier eating habits, Joe embarks on his 60-day journey which proves to be challenging both physically and emotionally. His progress is documented throughout the film offering us an intimate look into his struggles along with successes and ultimately culminating in a remarkable transformation.

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is not only an inspiring story of personal growth but also a reminder that it is never too late to make positive changes in our lives. With its gripping narrative featuring interviews with medical professionals mixed with stunning visuals of Joe’s documentary experience, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead offers viewers an unforgettable cinematic experience that will leave them feeling empowered and inspired by its message of hope.

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David B