The documentary Before the Flood, produced by Academy Award winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio in collaboration with National Geographic, is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the impact of global warming. In this three year journey to document the impacts of climate change around the globe, DiCaprio brings together some of the most respected Hollywood names to create an informative and thought-provoking exploration into what could be humanity’s greatest challenge – reversing the effects of global warming.
Before the Flood takes viewers to various locales such as Greenland, India and China, where they are shown firsthand how climate change has already had a drastic effect on places and their inhabitants. The documentary also deals with difficult conversations about potential solutions if we wish to reduce or reverse its effects. It is no longer enough to simply talk about climate change; Before The Flood forces viewers to confront it head-on.
This film is more than just an exposé on a pressing environmental issue; it also serves as a call-to-action for everyone who views it. Before The Flood encourages viewers to take responsibility for their part in reversing global warming by making small changes such as reducing their carbon footprint and supporting renewable energy initiatives.
Ultimately, Before The Flood is an important documentary that should not be missed by anyone interested in learning more about climate change and looking for ways that they can help make a difference. By watching this film, you will gain knowledge on one of the most important topics facing our planet today while gaining inspiration on how you can help fix it.