Environmental documentaries

Polar Bear Man

The Torngat Mountains of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada have long been a place of fascination and beauty. Matthew...


The documentary, Gasland, follows the story of Josh Fox as he discovers the truth behind fracking and the gas...

Plastic Tide: Choking on Coke

Plastic pollution is wreaking havoc on our oceans, leading to the destruction of numerous species of marine life. The...

The Plastic Problem

For many years, the world has been grappling with an ever-growing problem - plastic pollution. Since 1950, a...

Planet Ocean

Planet Ocean is an awe-inspiring documentary that takes viewers on a journey into the deepest and most mysterious...

Finding Atlantis

The search for the lost city of Atlantis has captivated researchers and adventurers for centuries. Now, a new...

Fed Up!

The Green Revolution of the 1950s was a response to the global issue of hunger and poverty, particularly in developing...


In Dominion, a powerful documentary released in 2018 by director Chris Delforce, viewers are taken on a journey to...

Parched: Global Water Wars

Water scarcity has become a major issue in many parts of the world. This is due to a combination of both natural...

Our Rising Oceans

Our Rising Oceans is a powerful documentary that highlights the very real and devastating effects of climate change on...


Origins is a feature-length documentary that has been four years in the making. It takes an ambitious look at our...

Before the Flood

The documentary Before the Flood, produced by Academy Award winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio in collaboration with...

A Plastic Ocean

Plastic is an ever-growing problem for our planet and its inhabitants, and a new documentary explores just how much of...

Guardians of the Amazon

The Amazon rainforest, home to over three million species of plants and animals, has been under attack. The far-right...

Titanic: Death of A Dream

The Arts & Entertainment network's 1994 two-part documentary about the Titanic tragedy is a remarkable piece of...

Man vs. Nature

The global water crisis is an increasingly pressing issue and one that deserves more attention than ever before....