The New Silk Road

Jun 15, 2024 | Economics, Videos

China’s New Silk Road is the largest infrastructure project of modern times, and one that could have a profound impact on both China and its neighbors. From Europe to Asia, the construction of this grand network of interconnectivity has been undertaken with great ambition by the Chinese government. In The New Silk Road, two intrepid journalists investigate the enormous undertaking through an in-depth look at the people affected by it and those who stand to benefit.

The documentary follows their journey as they explore the historical roots of the project, and meet with locals along its route who are bracing for changes to their way of life. It also examines how countries as far away as Europe will be connected to Asia through this new system, making it easier than ever for goods and services to move between continents. It is fascinating to behold the sheer scale of this ambitious undertaking, and viewers get an exclusive look into some of its inner workings.

The impact of China’s New Silk Road is far-reaching, and it will likely exert a large influence on global politics in years to come. This documentary provides an insightful glimpse into a monumental project that could shape our world for generations. To understand how it works, why it matters, and what lies ahead, viewers are encouraged to watch The New Silk Road. Through vivid storytelling, surprising revelations, and interviews with experts from around the world, you will gain an invaluable insight into this remarkable endeavor.

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David B