Princes of the Yen

Jul 29, 2024 | Economics, Videos

The documentary Princes of the Yen, directed by Michael Oswald and based on a book by professor Richard Werner, explores the ways in which central banks have the power to shape our economic, political and social realities. In this film, viewers are taken on a journey deep into the bowels of international finance as they uncover how decisions made by a handful of bankers can have far-reaching consequences for everyone.

For example, viewers get an inside look at how Japan’s central bank has drastically tried to influence its country’s economy through expansive monetary policies since the 1990s, with varying levels of success. This strategy was adopted by other countries during the financial crisis of 2008. In Princes of the Yen, viewers are given an enlightening look at how central banks can be used as powerful tools in manipulating global markets and economies.

This documentary is essential viewing for anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of international economics and its effect on our everyday lives. It offers viewers an insightful look into how small decisions by a few people can have large-scale impacts for us all. With its accessible approach and engaging narrative, QueuePolitely’s Princes of the Yen will captivate audiences and leave them with a newfound appreciation for the power wielded by central banks around the world.

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David B