Taxi To The Dark Side

Jul 23, 2024 | Crime, Videos

Taxi to the Dark Side is an eye-opening documentary that examines the United States’ controversial use of torture. Directed by Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker, Alex Gibney, this film takes a deep dive into an examination of the U.S military’s treatment of detainees in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay detention center. The main focus of Taxi to the Dark Side is the case of Dilawar, an innocent Afghan taxi driver who was wrongfully detained and tortured to death while being held in a U.S detention facility.

Through interviews with former soldiers and government officials, as well as with experts on human rights and international law, Taxi to the Dark Side dives into a riveting exploration of the ethical consequences of America’s implementation of enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding. This gripping documentary provides a strong moral argument for why such practices should be abolished once and for all. With its compelling storytelling style and thought-provoking narrative arc, Taxi to the Dark Side presents facts in an accessible way that resonates with audiences from all backgrounds.

If you’re looking for a film that will open your eyes to some of the horrors perpetrated by our government—and inspire you to never accept such abuses again—then look no further than Taxi to the Dark Side. It’s an essential watch for anyone interested in understanding more about our nation’s history with torture—and using that knowledge to stand up against it going forward.

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David B