Nikko Jenkins – Killing in the name of GodNikko Allen Jenkins is an infamous killer, who claimed that he committed crimes under the direction of Apophis, an...
Execution Of Gary GlitterThe Execution of Gary Glitter is a ninety-minute television drama. Produced by Juniper Communications, the documentary...
Mexico’s Drug War BBC DocumentaryWhen it comes to drugs, Mexico is a country frequently associated with. Mexico and Colombia are the two countries that...
The Real Jigsaw Murderer – Stephen MarshallThe movie Saw is one of the most famous crime franchises. The main antagonist, Jigsaw, is a fictional character based...
Belle Gunness – The True Black Widow of the MidwestIn the world of serial killers, Belle was unique. For starters, she was a woman. Most famous serial killers are men,...
The Real Walter WhiteBreaking Bad is arguably the best TV show of all time. The real Walter White was one of the most successful meth...
Standard Operating ProcedureThis is a 2008 documentary which investigates the significance of the photos taken by the military police of the U.S....
This Ingenious Idea May Combat Rhino Poaching for Good!SCIENTISTS HAVE COME UP WITH THIS EXTREMELY CLEVER IDEA TO TACKLE RHINO POACHING. Image credit Brett Blignout The...
Behind Bars: Philippines – CIW: Locked Up Ladies | World’s Toughest PrisonsThe "Correctional Institution for Women" is the oldest and largest women's prison in the Philippines, founded in...
Anonymous – Audio Tapes Ferguson ShootingThe Ferguson shooting is one of the hottest topics in American media in the past two years. The crisis started on...
The Union: The Business Behind Getting HighThis documentary was initially released in 2007. Fast forward a couple of years ago, and now marijuana is legal in a...
Meet Robert John Maudsley, the Real Hannibal LecterWe describe psychopathy as “a lack of interest in, or care for, the sanctity of human life”. Sociopathy, on the other...
Daniel Good – A Killer Helping Police Improve their SkillsIf Daniel Good knew that he would actually help the Metropolitan police, he might never committed the crimes he did....
10 Ridiculous facts about Pablo Escobar’s treasureThere was a time Pablo Escobar was one of the top 10 most famous people in the world. The drug kingpin was at the...
Cartel Land – Mexico Drug War DocumentaryCartel Land is an award winning documentary by director Matthe Heineman. Matthew got the idea after reading an article...
Historical paintings stolen all over the worldPainting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or a similar medium to a surface. In art, the term painting...
The Kidnapping Of Elizabeth SmartIn 2002, Salt Lake City was home to one of the most chilling kidnapping stories in recent memory. Elizabeth Smart, a...
Inside Pakistan’s ‘Conversion Factory’ For Hindu BridesIn this documentary, a reporter spoke to desperate Hindu families who say their daughters have been abducted and...