Major FraudMajor Fraud, a documentary produced by the UK's Channel 4, uncovers the shocking story of a contestant who almost...
An Open SecretAn Open Secret is a powerful and gripping documentary that shines a light on the dark, hidden world of child abuse in...
Law and Disorder in PhiladelphiaLouis Theroux is an acclaimed filmmaker who has earned a reputation for bringing a unique perspective to some of the...
Law and Disorder in JohannesburgJohannesburg is a city known for its vibrant culture and history, but it's also one of the most dangerous cities in...
Last Days of SolitaryLast Days of Solitary is a powerful documentary which delves into the devastating effects of solitary confinement on...
Norway Massacre: The Killer’s MindOn July 22, 2011, Norway was shattered by a horrific tragedy. In an act of unprecedented terror, Anders Behring...
June 17th, 1994On June 17th, 1994, one of the most widely-known police chases in American history occurred; OJ Simpson was famously...
Never Get BustedBarry Cooper is a former police officer and decorated U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency agent who has dedicated his life to...
Into the AbyssWerner Herzog’s documentary Into the Abyss offers an incendiary, thought-provoking insight into capital punishment in...
Interview with a Serial KillerThe new documentary, Interview with a Serial Killer, offers a shocking and intimate look into the life of notorious...
3½ Minutes, Ten BulletsOn the day after Thanksgiving in 2012, seventeen-year-old Jordan Davis was murdered in a Jacksonville gas station. The...
18 With a BulletThe 18th Street gang in San Salvador, El Salvador is a notorious armed militia that has been reigning over its...
Young Kids, Hard TimeYoung Kids, Hard Time is an eye-opening documentary series that examines the lives of children aged 12 to 17 who have...
World’s Toughest Prison (Mexico and Peru)Santa Martha jail in Mexico and Lurigancho Prison in Peru are known for their difficult living conditions,...
The Best Movies About ColumbineThe Columbine High School massacre was a tragic event that shook the nation in 1999. In the years following, several...
The Wonderland MurdersJohn Curtis Holmes was an icon of the hardcore porn industry in the late 1970's, having achieved fame and fortune with...
Murderous Minds: Ted BundyMurderous Minds: Ted Bundy is an essential documentary that reveals the mind of one of America's most notorious serial...
The Watts Family MurdersOn the fateful morning of August 13th, 2018, tragedy struck in Frederick, Colorado. Chris Watts, a seemingly normal...