Deep WebDeep Web is a gripping and thought-provoking documentary that examines the case of Silk Road, the notorious online...
Panama Papers: The Shady World of Offshore CompaniesIn a shocking development, over eleven thousand documents have been leaked that incriminate some of the world's most...
CropseyCropsey is an investigative horror-documentary film that delves into the mysterious disappearances of five children...
Crazy LoveCrazy Love, the acclaimed documentary by filmmakers Dan Klores and Fisher Stevens, delves into the tumultuous and...
Crips And Bloods: Made In AmericaCRIPS AND BLOODS: MADE IN AMERICA is a critically acclaimed documentary directed by Stacy Peralta and Executive...
Cocaine Cowboys 2Cocaine Cowboys 2 is the riveting sequel to the original documentary, Cocaine Cowboys. This documentary sheds light on...
Chris Watts: Confession UntoldOn August 13, 2018, the lives of Shannan Watts and her two young daughters, four-year-old Bella and three-year-old...
Charles Manson: Journey Into EvilCharles Manson: Journey Into Evil is a documentary that offers a deep look into the life and beliefs of one of the...
Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood HillsParadise Lost is an incredible documentary film directed by Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky that offers a detailed...
Operation OdessaOperation Odessa is an incredible documentary that follows the remarkable true story of Russian mobster Ludwig...
O.J. Simpson: The Lost Confession?O.J. Simpson, the infamous former football player and actor, was released from prison in October 2017 after serving...
Oklahoma CityOklahoma City is a documentary that recounts the devastating effects of the 1995 terrorist attack on the Alfred P....
Was Nicole Pietz’s killing a “random act?”Nicole Pietz's death is an unsolved mystery that has captivated people across the country for almost a decade. On...
Mommy Dead and DearestMommy Dead and Dearest is a shocking documentary that chronicles the disturbing story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her...
Beware the SlendermanBeware the Slenderman is a must-watch HBO documentary which asks the difficult question: why would two 12 year old...
Miami Mega JailMiami-Dade County Jail is a prison complex located in Florida that has gained notoriety for its abysmal treatment of...
At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics ScandalThe recent documentary At the Heart of Gold: Inside the USA Gymnastics Scandal shines a light on the harrowing tale of...
Manhunt: Boston BombersIn April 2013, tragedy struck the streets of Boston when two bombs exploded near the finish line of the famous Boston...