Crazy Love

Jul 7, 2024 | Crime, Videos

Crazy Love, the acclaimed documentary by filmmakers Dan Klores and Fisher Stevens, delves into the tumultuous and remarkable journey of Barton and Linda Pugach. What started out as an unlikely love story quickly devolved into a harrowing saga of deceit and manipulation, eventually culminating in a notorious crime of passion that shocked the nation.

At the age of 35, Bart began to pursue Linda Robinson, who was just 15 years his junior. Despite opposition from her family and friends due to their drastic age gap, they eventually got married. However, after learning that Linda had been seeing another man behind his back, Bart’s response was drastic—he hired three men to throw lye in her face in an attempt to disfigure her. After serving 14 years for this heinous crime, Bart was released from prison and appeared on national television with Linda at his side–incredibly, she had forgiven him for his transgressions!

The details surrounding this case are truly extraordinary; something that would be hard to believe if it weren’t real. This is why Crazy Love is a must-see; it captures a compelling narrative filled with intrigue, heartache and redemption like no other film can. Through interviews with both Barton and Linda Pugach themselves as well as their families and friends involved in the case, viewers get an unfiltered look into every element of this astonishing story.

If you’re looking for an intense exploration into true human emotion then Crazy Love should definitely be on

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David B