“A documentary produced by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger investigating chem-trails; the bio-engineering method adopted by governments to ‘apparently’ help with the issue of global warming, the only problem is that dumping thousands of tonnes of micronised aluminium and barium over nations around the world is having a devistating effect on the environment and the health of all living creatures.
The activities of the government can be seen buy everyone; the chemical trails which are often criss-crossed in the skies by large jet plans often take several hours to dissapate and ofen days to reach the ground.
With amounts of aluminium in excess of 60x (60,000%+) found in many remote places in the USA, hundreds of miles away from roads, communities and factories the sharp increases of aluminium deposits from chem-trails are the only possibilities.
As aluminium deposits reach the roots of the plants and trees they begin to die through the change of PH levels in the soil. The effects are seen all over the world, but especially present in the USA and UK. Increases in dimentia cases caused by excessive amounts of aluminium in the brain was once throught to be caused by canned foods and softdrinks, and although could still be part of the problem, chem-trails are now understood to be the major cause.
Trees and plants are dying, less stars are seen at night, changes in weather behaviour are being noticed, toxicity related health issues are on the increase, the government is playing God with the atmosphere and is killing everything.
Backed up by independant scientific studies from professors and leading researchers around the world, What on Earth are they Spraying? is probably one of the best documentaries I’ve ever watched.”